Automated Quality Management (AQM)

Automate Your QA
With Generative AI

Stop wasting 50+ hours/month per supervisor manually evaluating calls just to listen to 2-5% of your calls!

Score 100% of your call volume automatically with MiaRec Auto QA, freeing up your staff to focus on what matters most: improving contact center efficiency and service quality.

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Higher Performance

Implement MiaRec and watch your agent performance improve.

Happier Agents

Your agents will be happier, more motivated, less burnt out and less likely to turnover.

Be The Visionary

Be the one that brings your contact center into the future and reap the benefits of AI.

Are your QA managers struggling with this too?

  • Manual evaluations are tedious, mind-numbingly boring, and time-consuming.
  • No matter how hard you try, you can only evaluate a tiny fraction of your call volume.
  • Blind spots and a lack of coherent insight mean your customer service quality and CC efficiency are suffering, and you don't meet your KPIs. 

Are you wondering if there is a better way? Now there is!

Burned Out Contact Center Agent
The Solution

Transform Your Quality Assurance With MiaRec Automated QM

Score 100% Of Your Calls, Get Full Insights

Contact centers can only evaluate 2 to 5% of their call volume when using manual methods, resulting in a lack of insights. By scoring 100% of your calls, you get a much clearer picture of what is happening in your contact center. 

This enables you to clearly identify agents or teams that require more coaching, determine the success of training initiatives, pick out calls that need follow-up, and much more.


Topical & Sentiment Analysis

MiaRec's unique combination of topical and sentiment analysis allows you to understand at a glance what your customers are calling about and how they feel about the topic. 

This enables you to keep track of trends, determine specifically bad calls for follow-up, identify training gaps, and much more. 


Advanced Quality Management Reporting

Monitor trends and track individual or group performance improvement over time to know exactly how each department, team, or user is performing. Using MiaRec’s visualized performance reports you can easily identify any agent’s strengths and areas for improvement. 

As a supervisor, you will never be in the dark again. You can view and drill down into call, day, group, user, and agent performance KPI stats, automatically receive call transcription, share evaluation results with the team, trigger weekly email updates, and much more.


Save 50+ Hours/Month Per Supervisor

By scoring all of your calls automatically you eliminate the need for the initial manual evaluation which can save on average 50+ hours a month per supervisor.

This frees your managers up to dive deeper into the calls flagged for follow-up, spend more time on training, and ensure your agents are efficient, happy, and provide the best customer service possible.

Experience MiaRec's Auto Score Card Yourself

MiaRec Automated QA feature is leveraging the latest advancements in generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) technologies. Developed through extensive training on thousands of calls, Auto Score Card marks a substantial advancement in automated quality assurance and analysis for customer interactions, providing contact centers with exceptional accuracy and flexibility, setting them apart from alternative automated solutions. Click below to start the interactive product walkthrough:

Automatically Score 100% Of Your Calls Using Generative AI

How To Get Started


Experience MiaRec

The first step is to experience MiaRec's Auto QA yourself. You can try it out right now using our online demo (no sign-up required), take an interactive product tour above, or schedule a product demo with one of our Contact Center AI experts.


Calculate Your ROI

Now, it is time to calculate the ROI (try out our savings calculator), create a detailed business case, and to implement a trial (POC). Our team is here to help you get the tools and data you need to prove to your buying committee that there is not risk.


Transform Your Contact Center

Now to the fun part: you have evaluated MiaRec, compared it to other solutions, and made your choice. Now it is time to implement it. Implementation is completed within a few days and you are all set to start transforming your CC operations.

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