Advanced Recording Rules

Please note: this is legacy documentation. Please check out for the most up-to-date documentation and user guides. 



MiaRec supports very powerful recording filters, which allow to:

  • specify which calls to record and which to ignore depending on call parameters (caller/callee ip-address, mac-address, telephone number etc.)
  • change a default file naming for calls (for example, phones can be united into groups by their IP-addresses and every group is stored inside its own directory)

Recording filters are specified inside section [Filters::OnCallStart] in MiaRec.ini configuration file.



filter1 condition = caller-number = '100' OR callee-number = '100'
filter1 action = record

filter2 condition = caller-number = '200' OR callee-number = '200'
filter2 action = record

filter3 condition = caller-number = '300' OR callee-number = '300'
filter3 action = record

default_action = ignore

In this example, only those calls will be recorded, which are made from/to phones 100, 200 or 300.

All other calls will be ignored (see default_action = ignore).

Note, starting from version 5.0 MiaRec supports configuring per-user recording rules via the web interface. These per-user rules are executed after recording filters in the INI file. Recording filters from the INI file are always executed first. If one of the filter's conditions matches, then per-user rules are not executed. This allows to configure some advanced global ignore rules, like "ignore all internal calls":


# Ignore all internal calls, where both caller and called phone numbers are 3 digits.
filter_internal_calls_action = ignore
filter_internal_calls_condition = caller-number LIKE '___' AND callee-number LIKE '___'


Syntax of filters

Syntax of filters is following:

<unique-name-of-filter>condition  = CONDITION
<unique-name-of-filter>action = [ record | ignore ]
<unique-name-of-filter>filename = FILENAME-FORMAT

Each filter has a unique name and consists of three lines: action, condition , and filename. The last line (filename) is optional.


Name of filter

Each recording filter should have unique name. For example:


filter1_condition = caller-number = 12345
filter1_action = record

filter2_condition = caller-ip =
filter2_action = record
filter2_filename = C:\Calls\Network2\%{setup-time#%Y%m%d%H%M%S}.mp3

my new filter condition = caller-ip =
my new filter action = ignore

In this example three filters are specified with the following names:

  • filter1_
  • filter2_
  • my new filter

Filter name may contain letters, digits, underscore and space characters.


Condition of filter

condition is a logical expression. Example:

filter1 condition = caller-ip =

filter2 condition = caller-ip >= AND caller-ip <=

filter3 condition = caller-number LIKE '011%'

filter4 condition = caller-ip = AND NOT (callee-ip = OR callee-ip =

Read Syntax of filter condition for details.


The action of filter

action specifies what to do with a call. The following actions are supported:

Action Description

Record the call, which matches that filter's condition.

If a filename line exists, then the call will be recorded with a specified name, otherwise, the default file name will be used.

ignore  Ignore a call (do not record it). The audio file for that call will not be stored on disk and normally such a call will not be visible inside the MiaRec web interface. But, optionally, it is possible to show ignored calls inside MiaRec web-interface (see SaveCDRsForIgnoredCalls). 



The filename specifies a file name format for calls, which match the filter's condition. It is optional. If it is omitted, then a default file name format is used as specified in section [Recording] parameter FileNameFormat. The syntax of this field is the same.


Default action

Note, starting from version 5.2 a default action is configured inside web interfaces. Settings for default action inside the INI file are ignored during normal system operation. Although they are used when the MiaRec recorder functions without a database.

For calls, which do not match any of the recording filters, a default action is performed. Default action may be recorded or ignored. Optionally, a default file name format (default_filename) can be specified.



filter1_condition = caller-number = '123456' OR callee-number = '123456'
filter1_action = record

default_action = ignore

In above example only phone with number '123456' will be recorded. All other calls will be ignored (see default_action = ignore).

Optionally, you can specify default_filename. This parameter will override the one, which is specified inside FileNameFormat in section [Recording]



filter1_condition = caller-number = '123' OR callee-number = '123'
filter1_action = record
filter1_filename = C:\Phone123\%{setup-time#%Y%m%d%H%M%S}.mp3

default_action = record
default_filename = C:\OtherPhones\%{setup-time#%Y%m%d%H%M%S}.mp3

In this example, calls with number 123 will be stored inside directory C:\Phone123\.

All other calls will be stored inside directory C:\OtherPhones\.

Note, if a default action is omitted, then it has an implicit value record.


Order of filters

The order of filters is important when a call may match multiple filters. In this case, the first matched filter is used.

For example, we have the following filters:


filter1_action = record
filter1_condition = caller-ip = ''

filter2_action = ignore
filter2_condition = caller-port = 5060

And our call has caller IP equal to and caller IP equal to 5060.

Such a call will match a condition of both filters, but the action of the first one will be performed (a record).

If you change the order of filters inside the INI file, like:


filter2_action = ignore
filter2_condition = caller-port = 5060

filter1_action = record
filter1_condition = caller-ip = ''

Then the mentioned call will be ignored because the first matched filter has action ignored.



When recording filters are not working as you expected, then use the following recommendations:

  • Look at Windows Event Log (Control Panel -> Administration -> Event Viewer). If the syntax of the recording filter is incorrect, MiaRec will write an error message to Windows Event Log.
  • Change SaveCDRsForIgnoredCalls parameter inside MiaRec.ini to 1. Normally, ignored calls are not visible inside MiaRec calls history. When SaveCDRsForIgnoredCalls = 1, the ignored calls will be shown inside MiaRec with a special icon and message "Ignored by filters". This will allow you to see if the problem is in your filters. Read details here: SaveCDRsForIgnoredCalls.
  • Verify that recording filters have phone numbers/names in the same format as they appear inside the MiaRec web interface. Sometimes you may expect that your phones have extension 2XX (for example), but, in reality, they are 92XX (with an additional prefix). MiaRec extracts phone numbers from VoIP signaling messages, which are sent by your phones. You should create recording filters with exactly the same phone numbers as they are visible to MiaRec.

Post-Recording Filters

MiaRec supports post-recording filters. In a contrast to regular recording filters, which are executed when a call is started, the port-recording filters are executed when the call is completed. Post-recording filters allow doing post-processing of a call. For example, delete automatically calls, which are shorter than 5 seconds. Or move completed calls to another location (to a network drive). Post-recording filters are configured inside section [Filters::OnCallStop] in MiaRec.ini configuration file.

Example of post-recording filters:


filter1_codition = duration < 5
filter1_action = delete

default_action = rename
default_filename = \\my-storage\Calls\%{filename}

In this example, short calls (shorter than 5 seconds) are removed automatically. The remaining calls are moved to the network storage directory \\my-storage\Calls. The syntax of port-recording filters is similar to regular recording filters (see Recording filters). This page describes only the differences between regular filters and port-recording filters.

The action of post-recording filters

Post-recording filters support the following actions:

Action Description
rename Rename or move to other location the audio file after call is completed.
delete Delete a call after it is completed.
record Store a call as normal. Do not do any modification of a call after it is completed.


Call parameters

Post-recording filters support all call parameters, which are supported in regular recording filters (see Syntax of filter condition), plus additional parameters, listed in the following table:

Call parameter Description

Date/time when phone started ringing.

Format: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS


  • YYYY is a year
  • mm is a month (1-12)
  • DD is a day (1-31)
  • HH is an hour (0-23)
  • MM is a minute (0-59)
  • SS is a second (0-59)


alerging-time = 2007-06-10 13:45:51

Date/time when call was answered.

Format: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS


Date/time when call was disconnected.

Format: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS


Duration of voice part of a call in seconds.

This is a difference between connect-time and disconnect-time.


duration < 5
duration >= 30

Total duration of a call in seconds. This is a difference between setup time and disconnect time. Examples: 

total-duration < 5

Phase (state) of the call. It is a numeric value, one of:

  • 0 - Idle
  • 1 - Initiated. The first phase of a call: the caller sent invitation to the callee
  • 2 - Accepted. The callee received invitation and confirmed this
  • 3 - Alerting. The callee started ringing
  • 4 - Connected. The call was answered
  • 5 - Disconnecting. The call was initiated for disconnecting by one of  parties
  • 6 - Disconnected. The call was completed (disconnected)
  • 7 - Hold. The call was put on Hold
  • 8 - Transferred. The call was transferred to the third party


call-state = 7


Example of post-recording filters


filter1_condition = caller-number = '123456' OR callee-number = '123456'
filter1_action = record
filter1_filename = C:\MyCalls\%{setup-time#%Y%m%d%H%M%S}.mp3

default_action = ignore


default_action = rename
default_filename = D:\MyRecordings\%{filename}

Above example demonstrates both regular recording filters (section [Filters::OnCallStart]) and post-recording filters (section [Filters::OnCallStop]):

  • Phone with number '123456' will be recorded. This is defined in the following lines:
    filter1_condition = caller-number = '123456' OR callee-number = '123456'
    filter1_action    = record
  • Audio files for this phone will be stored initially inside directory C:\MyCalls\. See:
    filter1_filename  = C:\MyCalls\%{setup-time#%Y%m%d%H%M%S}.mp3
  • All other calls will be ignored. See:
    default_action = ignore
  • When calls are completed, audio files will be moved to directory D:\MyRecordings\. See:
    default_action = rename
    default_filename = D:\MyRecordings\%{filename}

Syntax Of Recording Filter Condition


Condition of recording filter has following syntax:

<filter-name> condition = [ NOT ]  EXPRESSION  [ AND | OR ] [ ( ] EXPRESSION [ ) ] ...


CALL-PARAMETER  [ = | > | >= | < | <= | <> | != | LIKE | RLIKE ]  [ VALUE | CALL-PARAMETER ]
  • CALL-PARAMETER is a call parameter, like caller-IP, caller-number, duration etc.
  • VALUE is a literal value, to which a call parameter is compared, for example, 1234, "John Smith" etc.
  • =, >, >=, <, <=, <>, !=, LIKE and RLIKE are comparison operators.

Examples of recording filter condition:

filter1 condition = caller-ip =

filter2 condition = caller-number = 1234 OR caller-number = 5678

filter3 condition = caller-ip = AND NOT callee-ip =

filter4 condition = (caller-number = 100 OR caller-number = 200) AND callee-number <> 300

filter5 condition = caller-number LIKE '011%'

filter6 condition = caller-number RLIKE '^011(22|34).*$'


Call parameters

The following table lists all supported call parameters.

Call parameter Description



IP-address of caller/callee


  • x.x.x.x
  • x.x.x.x/y.y.y.y
  • x.x.x.x/z


  • x.x.x.x is ip-address
  • y.y.y.y is a network mask in dot notation, like
  • z is a network mask in CIRD notation (prefix length), like 24 (which is equivalent to


caller-ip =
caller-ip > AND caller-ip <
callee-ip =
callee-ip =



IP port


caller-port = 5060
caller-port = 1720 OR callee-port = 1720






caller-mac = 01-02-34-56-AF-F5



Phone number


caller-number = 123456
caller-number = '+100' OR callee-number = '+100'
caller-number LIKE '011%'



Name of phone.

The value of this parameter depends on the VoIP signaling protocol (SIP, H.323, Skinny, etc.).


caller-name = "John Smith"
caller-name = "Marry" OR callee-name "Marry"



Id of phone.

The value of this parameter depends on the VoIP signaling protocol (SIP, H.323, Skinny, etc.).


caller-id =
caller-id = Phone41 OR callee-id = Phone41



Id and Name of Agent.

These parameters are available only when Avaya TSAPI integration is enabled.


agent-id = 50001
agent-name = 'John Smith'




Number, name, and id of phone, from which the call was transferred.

The value of this parameter depends on the VoIP signaling protocol (SIP, H.323, Skinny, etc.).


transfer-from-number = 123456
transfer-from-name = 'John Smith'




Number, name and id of phone, to which the call was transferred.

The value of this parameter depends on the VoIP, signaling protocol (SIP, H.323, Skinny etc.).


transfer-to-number = 12456
transfer-to-name = 'John Smith'

Date/time when call was started

Format: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS


  • YYYY is a year
  • mm is a month (1-12)
  • DD is a day (1-31)
  • HH is an hour (0-23)
  • MM is a minute (0-59)
  • SS is a second (0-59)


setup-time = 2007-06-10 13:45:51

VoIP protocol of the call. It is a numeric value, one of:

  • 0 – Unknown (not recognized protocol). Call is recorded from RTP packets
  • 1 - SIP
  • 2 - H.323
  • 4 - SCCP (Cisco Skinny)
  • 5 - MGCP
  • 6 - Avaya (H.323 protocol with proprietary extensions)
  • 7 - Nortel UNISTIM
  • 8 - TAPI
  • 9 - MGCP PRI Backhaul (it is used between Cisco CCM and Voice Gateway)
  • 10 - Alcatel (proprietary protocol used by Alcatel OmniPCX)


voip-protocol <> 0

Value of specific SIP header inside INVITE message. The name of header is specified after hash (#) symbol.


sip-header-invite#User-Agent LIKE "Asterisk%"


Call parameters can be compared to literal values or to other call parameters, like:

caller-ip =
caller-port = callee-port


Literal values

Literal values are contacts, which are compared to call parameters.


caller-number = '123456789'

In above example a literal value '123456789' is compared to call parameter caller-number.

If a literal value contains space characters, then it should be enclosed into single (') or double (") quotes. For example:

caller-number = 123456789            <-- OK

caller-number = '123456789' <-- OK

caller-name = "John Smith" <-- OK

caller-name = John Smith <-- Not valid

If a literal value itself contains a quote character, for example, d’Arnaud, then use the following rules:

  • If a literal value contains either a single or double quote character, but not both at the same time, then enclose the value into different quotes, like:

    caller-name = "d'Arnaud"

    caller-name = 'Using double quotes charcter (")'
  • If a literal value contains both single and double quote characters, precede them with a special escape character ‘\’, like:

    caller-name = 'd\'Arnaud'

    caller-name = "Using double quotes charcter (\")"
  • If a literal value contains the escape character '\', you must double it, like:

    caller-name = "Sample \\ name"


Comparison Operators (=, >, < etc.)

The following table lists all supported comparison operators.

Operator Description Examples



Equal to
caller-ip =
callee-port == 5060



Not equal to
caller-ip <>
callee-port != 5060 


Greater than
caller-ip >


Less than
caller-port < 3000


Greaten than or equal to
caller-ip >=


Less than or equal to
caller-ip <=


Simple pattern matching
caller-ip LIKE '192.168.0.%'


Negation of simple pattern matching
caller-number NOT LIKE '011%'


Pattern matching using regular expressions (REGEX)
caller-number RLIKE '^011(22|34).*$'


Negation of Pattern matching using regular expressions (REGEX)
caller-ip NOT RLIKE '^192\.168\.(0|1)\..*$'


Logical Operators (AND, OR, NOT)

Complex expressions can be created with the help of logical operators (AND, OR, NOT etc).

Operator Description Examples



Logical AND
caller-ip= AND caller-port=5060
caller-ip= && callee-ip=



Negates value
NOT (caller-port > 1024 AND caller-port < 6000)
! (caller-port < 1024 OR caller-port > 6000)



Logical OR
caller-ip= OR callee-ip=
caller-ip= || callee-ip=


Parentheses "(" and ")" are supported inside expressions, like:

caller-ip= AND ( callee-ip = OR callee-ip = )


Simple pattern matching (LIKE)

Pattern matching comparison supports the following wildcard characters:

Character Description

Matches any number of characters, even zero characters


  • caller-name LIKE 'David%'

    ... will match David, Davidson, but not Davi

  • caller-name LIKE 'D%d%'

    ... will match David, Davidson, Dady


Matches exactly one character


  • caller-name LIKE 'D_vi_'

    ... will match David, but not Davidson

  • caller-name LIKE 'D__vi_'

    ... will match Daavid, but not David


To test for literal instances of a wildcard character, precede it by the escape character '\'. 

String Description


Matches exactly one '%' character

  • caller-name LIKE 'David\%'

    ... will match David%


Matches exactly one '_' character

  • caller-name LIKE 'David\_'

    ... will match David_


Matches exactly one '\' character

  • caller-name LIKE 'David\\'

    ... will match David\


Regular expressions pattern matching (RLIKE)

A regular expression is a powerful way of specifying a pattern for a complex search.


callee-number RLIKE '^011(22|34).*$'

... will match any call, which was made to phone number starting either with 01122 or 01134

caller-ip NOT RLIKE '^192\.168\.(0|1)\..*$'

... will match any call, which was originated from IP 192.168.0.* or 192.168.1.*

MiaRec uses Henry Spencer's implementation of regular expressions, which is aimed at conformance with POSIX 1003.2.



A regular expression for the RLIKE operator may use any of the following metacharacters and constructs:

Metacharacter Description

Matches any single character. For example:

  • a.c

    ... will match  "abc", but not "ac" or "abbc"

[  ]

A bracket expression. Matches a single character that is contained within the brackets. For example:

  • [abc]

    ... will match "a", "b" or "c".

  • [hc]at

    ... will match "hat" and "cat".

A '-' character between two other characters forms a range that matches all characters from the first character to the second. For example:

  • [0-9]

    ... will match any decimal digit.

  • [a-z]

    ... will match any lowercase letter from "a" to "z".

These forms can be mixed:

  • [abcx-z]

    ... will match "a", "b", "c", "x", "y" or "z".

To include a literal '-' character, it must be written first or last, for example, [abc-], [-abc].

To include a literal ] character, it must immediately follow the opening bracket [, for example, []abc].

[^  ]

Matches a single character that is not contained within the brackets. For example:

  • [^abc]

    ... will match any character other than "a", "b", or "c".

  • [^a-z]

    ... will match any single character that is not a lowercase letter from "a" to "z".

As above, literal characters and ranges can be mixed, like [^abcx-z]


Matches the preceding element zero or more times. For example:

  • ab*c

    ... will match "ac", "abc", "abbbc" etc.

  • [0-9]*

    ... will match "" (empty string), "0", "1", "2", "14", "502", "98541654", and so on (any combination of digits).

(  )*

Matches zero of more instances of the characters sequence, specified inside parentheses. For example:

  • (ab)*

    ... will match "", "ab", "abab", "ababab", and so on.

  • (1234)*

    ... will match "", "1234", "12341234", "123412341234", and so on.


Matches the preceding element one or more times. For example:

  • ba+

    ... will match "ba", "baa", "baaa", and so on.

  • 0[0-9]+

    ... will match "00", "01", "02", "001", "01234", "09876543210", or any other combination of digits with preceding 0 and minimum length equal to two character.


Matches the preceding element zero or one time. For example:

  • ba?

    ... will match "b", or "ba", but not "baa"

  • 0[0-9]?

    ... will match "0", "01", "02", "03", and so on.


The choice (aka alternation or set union) operator matches either the expression before or the expression after the operator. For example:

  • abc|def

    ... will match "abc" or "def".

  • (0|011)[1-9]+

    ... will match phone number, which starts with either 0 or 011.


Matches the preceding element exactly n times. For example: 

  • a{3}

    ... will match "aaa", but not "a", "aa" or "aaaa"

  • [0-9]{5}

    ... will match "01234", "56789" or any other combination of digits, which has length 5 characters.

{m, n}

Matches the preceding element at least m and not more than n times. For example:

  • a{3,5}

    ... will match "aaa", "aaaa", "aaaaa", but not "aa" or "aaaaaaaa".

{m, }

Matches the preceding element at least m times. For example:

  • a{2,}

    ... will match "aa", "aaa", "aaaa", and so on.


Matches the beginning of a string. For example:

  • ^[hc]at

    ... will match "hat" and "cat", but only at the beginning of the string


Matches the end of a string. For example:

  • [hc]at$

    ... will match "hat" and "cat", but only at the end of the string not "David Bowie"

  • ^[hc]at$

    ... will match "hat" and "cat", but only when the string contains no other characters


Backslash (\) character is used for escaping metacharacters. For example:

  • 1+2

    ... will match "12", "112", "11112", but not "1+2", because "plus" character has a special meaning (see above).

  • 1\+2

    ... will match exactly "1+2". In this example, the "plus" character is escaped with the backslash character (\+).


POSIX character classes

The POSIX standard defines some classes or categories as shown in the following table

POSIX character class ASCII equivalent Description
[:alnum:] [A-Za-z0-9] Alphanumeric characters
[:alpha:] [A-Za-z] Alphabetic characters
[:blank:] [ \t] Space and tab
[:cntrl:] [\x00-\x1F\x7F] Control characters
[:digit:] [0-9] Digits
[:graph:] [\x21-\x7E] Visible characters
[:lower:] [a-z] Lowercase letters
[:print:] [\x20-\x7E] Visible characters and spaces
[:punct:] [][!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@\^_`{|}~-] Punctuation characters
[:space:] [ \t\r\n\v\f] Whitespace characters
[:upper:] [A-Z] Uppercase letters
[:xdigit:] [A-Fa-f0-9] Hexadecimal digits


POSIX character classes can only be used within bracket expressions ([  ]). For example:


... will match the uppercase letters and lowercase "a" and "b".


REGEX Tester utility

Writing a correct REGEX expression may be a challenging task. We recommend using a special program REGEX Tester for testing RLIKE expressions for any syntax errors.

Download it from our website and start on your computer. Type your regular expression and a tested string into a program and click the "Test" button. Inside the "Result" field you will see either TRUE or FALSE. TRUE means that the tested string matches the expression. FALSE means that the tested string doesn't match the expression. In the case of syntax error in a regular expression, you will see a corresponding error instead of TRUE/FALSE.